What’s New
- Job page added to deployments and projects, shows an overview and status of jobs concerning that deployment/project
Fixed Issues
- Restrict postal code to a maximum of 9 characters
- Better error messages on VAT number validation
- No special characters allowed on customer name (only a-z, A-Z, numbers and spaces)
- Show correct usage details on nested customers
- Show correct error message when trying to delete the last administrator
- Show error state on desktop correctly
- Show credit warning messages in credit bar
- Show correct error message if you can't start a desktop because there are no credits left
- Better error handling when buying credit packs
- Show the 'show more' button for billing history
- Loading indicator while getting port forwarding data
What’s New
- Archive tenants instead of deleting for history usage
- Several improvements on user and desktop orchestration stability
- Shutdown hourly desktops if customer has no credits left to run
Fixed Issues
- Shutdown hourly desktops when customer runs out of money
- When deleting/downgrading a contact admin, make other admin the new contact
- Handle errors when creating SSH keys
Billing API
What’s New
Nothing to mention
Fixed Issues
- Shutdown hourly desktops when credit state of user becomes blocked (if there are no prepaid hours left)
- Deleted customers are now archived
- VAT liability is updated correctly
What’s New
Nothing to mention
Fixed Issues
- Show different error messages to user (e.g. when a user is disabled)
- Login page is now responsive (easier to use on tablets/phones)
- Email address in login is case-insensitive
Known Issues
- Deploying a blueprint gives error: 'Reseller 1'
- Fix: just retry
- When unauthenticated: need to click twice to launch desktop
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