The Cloudalize platform is ideal for collaboration, in the office or from anywhere. Actual collaboration capabilities depend on the application used.
Articles in this section
- Is it possible to enable Hyper-V inside my cloud Desktop?
- What about 3rd party licenses ?
- Can I run any application on my Cloudalize Desktop that normally runs under Windows10?
- In the Cloudalize platform, can I collaborate on a design or model in real time?
- Who is acountable for the software and licenses running on your platform?
- Optimize 3D mouse movements
- Is it possible to use Autodesk Revit on Mac with Cloudalize?
- Which desktop do I need to have a good experience while using Revit or AutoCAD?
- How does Cloudalize compare in pricing and functionality to A360 Collaboration for Revit?
- What kind of applications/software can I install on Cloudalize Desktop?
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